Saturday, 11 June 2011

Hessentag / Youfm night - Oberursel

So yesterday we went to visit Hessentag in Oberursel. Hessentag is a festival that celebrates Hessen (the state I currently live in) and lots of the smaller towns and local businesses go along to promote them. All of the things they did were free and it was a lot of fun, we even went on huge Ferris wheel and could get an awesome view of the Frankfurt skyline. Around 7 we headed over to the huge open air arena for the Youfm night, I had heard about it on the radio a couple of moths ago and it was only like 21euro once you included the booking fee for 3 big German bands. A great night filled with dancing and singing along to the songs we knew, yep that’s right we actually like German bands and know their songs. Would of like to have been able to stay to the end of the last set but dam trains stop running after 00:30 until 5:30 the next morning and we didn’t have anything to do in that time.
 We are there in that crowd, as far forward as we could get without being VIPs
Definitely check out these bands if you have time. Even if you dont speak/understand German, you can still have a good bop along

German class meet up in Hannover 3rd - 5th June

So after an already exciting week followed our German class met up in Hannover. We had organised it about a month before 3-5 and had managed to get 8 out of the 13 of us confirmed but after getting there it was just 4, the 3 of us from Marburg and another girl who is studying in Duisburg. Got a pretty awesome hostel in the end, 14,50 euro for our own private room with a shower and not too far out of the town.
First day there we did like we did in Munich and just had a general wander around before heading to get some dinner followed by cocktails and another Irish bar. It had karaoke and we had already done that the night before too at Emily’s leaving Marburg night out, so of course we were in the mood to sing.
The next day we did our own tour of Hannover. its really cool there, they have a red line painted on the floor that goes past all of the main sights there and you can buy a book from the tourist information for 3euro that tells you all (definitely worth the money). After a long day of walking we headed back to hostel for pizza and wine before 3 of us headed back into town to find somewhere to party. And lo and behold we found the red light district of Hannover to party, there was a huge street party with music and outdoor bars so we were all pretty happy to spend our time there.
Morning after and feeling fine we headed over to the Herrengarten (which I saw on Eurovision so had to go and see it whilst we were there), it was really pretty and huge garden and I really recommend a visit to the grotto decorated with designs by the artist Niki de Saint Phalle.
 New Town Hall in Hannover 

Herrenhausen grotto

Red Bull student boat battle - Uni Marburg V. Uni Giessen

So the day after Twin Atlantic was, at the title of this post says, The Red Bull Student Boat Battle Uni Marburg V. Uni Gießen.
So the premise of this event was as follows
2 Teams
3 people on each team
2 rowers
1 person with a huge pole to know the other person with a pole off (think gladiators and your pretty much there).
It was a pretty fun day, watching people in fancy dress falling into the water and we even managed to get prime position front and centre

Twin Atlantic

On the 31st of last month I managed to get to go and see Twin Atlantic in Frankfurt, originally I had planned to go all the way to Cologne to see them, but luckily they added in a few extra nights and Frankfurt was one of them :) and I even got a friend to come with, so I wasn’t a completely crazy fan girl. Now I saw them last summer at Hevy festival and they were awesome and they sure didn’t disappoint this time either. They played most of the new album and the good ones from their last album.Took far to many photos (261 to be precise), but loved every minute of it.
 Great night, so worth it.

Munich 27th - 29th May

Time again for another mass update as I keep forgetting to let all of you out there know what I’ve been up to.

So let’s start with Munich. After dinner one evening we were discussing what to do and where to go at the weekend (as we usually travel around Hessen as its free on the weekends) and as a friend had some one over from the US we decided to go to Munich.
Booked our hostel, super cheap only about 23euro for 2 nights. And off we went the next day. We travelled on the slow trains as it is far cheaper so our journey took about 6 hours to get there. After checking into the hostel about 2pm we went for a bit of a wander around Munich, taking the mandatory tourist pictures and getting some food on the way. Were far to tired that evening to have a serious night out on the town so it was bed time about 10 for us.
Woke up the next morning and headed off out for our tour of Dachau. We went with the Sandeman tour group and for 12euro we got transport and our own guide, who was just so dedicated and passionate about. I won’t write much on Dachau, but let’s just say it’s an experience. And if you can go on this tour I would recommend it.
After getting back from there about 4.30pm we grabbed some food, headed back to our hostel to change and then out in the town for the evening. Spent the majority of our night in an Irish bar and would you of guessed it!? Met English people, they were all pretty cool and we all had a good night. One of the girls I was with ended our night running through the main fountain in Munich with 2 of them, soaked but hilarious.
After waking up feeling a little delicate the next morning we met up with a few people from the night before grabbed some brunch and went off on the Sandeman’s free walking tour of Munich. Again I so recommend these tours, the guides are fun and know so much.
For the rest of our time in Munich we spent it killing time in bars until our 9 hour train journey at 2am! Slow trains and Scöneswochenende tickets are great but take forever especially on a Sunday.

The lovely old town hall in Munich